Advice for the PC-dumb

Paul P.

H-DRCGB Archivist
Just wanted to check from those what know best, what to use to clean the screen and keyboard of my laptop - just in case there is a classic mistake I can be stopped from doing please?
Window cleaner at a pinch, but best to use so e of the alcohol based pc /screen/lens wipes.
I’m rarely that organised so a bit of kitchen roll with some meths on...

WD40 is not the thing to use. Rarely true, but on this occasion I can vouch from experience that it’s a buggerup ?
I use one of those hand held dust buster vacs and a small paint brush to remove crud from behind the keys but being very careful as it's easy to rip the keys off from their spring clips.
Then to clean I use those alcohol wipes that are meant to clean my specs lenses.
Thanks for the input folks, I'm probably going to go with Chopper as his bikes always look well turned out...and maybe Solvo Autosol to bring out a nice shine......but not Tom because I think he might be pulling my leg?
on a serious note, personally a bit of mr sheen on the screens and a can of compressed air for spraying out the keyboard every now and again. I try and ensure i dont eat over mine so dont need to do it very often.....

Personally i connect external devices to my laptop, mouse, keyboard and multiple screens easier to use and keep clean, but then i work from home most of the time nowadays....