Buyer beware



Howdo you lot,

Just a word of warning for those of you tempted to buy a few bits and bobs for your bikes from the US.
Generally with established firms like Revzilla and others you can buy with confidence. Stay away from a California firm Mad Hornets though. I ended up with a fraud marker on my debit card and all the bollocks that goes with having to convince the fraud department of my Bank to allow me access to my own money over the Bank Holiday.
Mad Hornets were trying to take multiples of ?200+ from my account even though I did not go through with the PP transaction, SCROTES,
Remember the old adage- if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,
p.s. new fp3 download from V&H flashed to the street's ECU and 4th and 5th gear pickup fuggin fenominal:highly_amused:

Re: Buyer beware

Maybe that should also be sent to the 'Quin for wider distribution..?
Re: Buyer beware

Hi Paul,
Sorry about the delayed reply. I have just this minute emailed the editor to ask for access to his esteemed organ. I was going to title it Caveat Emptor but not all the 'Quin readers were subjugated like us Norvenors were....
salutations from Cumbria,