Dyna 6 speed recall



Don't know if this has been reported here yet but I have just read in American-V Mag that there is a recall on dyna 6 speed models made between june 9th and october 19th 2005 to fix a false neutral - one that illuminates the neutral light. 13400 bike affected:eek:

Re: Dyna 6 speed recall

:eek: A faulse neutral is bad enough but a false neatral with the neutral light coming on as well is scary.
This fault is known in this country and I'm almost certain I read it on this forum recently:confused:
Maybe someone with a Street bob can confirm;)

Re: Dyna 6 speed recall

HarLee is waiting for his Street Bob and knows about it. Apparently they are correcting the bikes they have at the factory as the production line moves on but for anyone else it means leaving it for a day at the stealership!

Re: Dyna 6 speed recall

Yes it's true, I've done three bikes already. Rumour has it that out of 13400 bikes only 2 actually jumped into neutral. It's the same problem as the cagiva mitos suffer from except Harley will actually recall and repair their bikes.
Re: Dyna 6 speed recall

If you are waiting for the bike it will be fine, nearly all the affected units were US models.
Recall was change the shift drum & neutral switch.
Problem was the neutral /first detent in the drum was not defined enough.
If you think you have an affected bike PM me.