First Rod ride

Paul P.

H-DRCGB Archivist
Today I got my brother, who is ex-Triumph hoping to return to bikes, to book a demo ride of an 883C. As I was going along I thought I'd check out a Rod for the first time and opted for the only one I've ever liked the look of at all - Night Rod.
Well now I get it, what lovely acceration and aggressive ride! However not for me 'cos it started to do my back in and anyway I'd soon push my luck a bit too far. Put that motor and brakes into the old Buell "Blunderbolt" and I'd go looking for Dukes to annoy!
Glad I tried it.
Re: First Rod ride

Today I got my brother, who is ex-Triumph hoping to return to bikes, to book a demo ride of an 883C. As I was going along I thought I'd check out a Rod for the first time and opted for the only one I've ever liked the look of at all - Night Rod.
Well now I get it, what lovely acceration and aggressive ride! However not for me 'cos it started to do my back in and anyway I'd soon push my luck a bit too far. Put that motor and brakes into the old Buell "Blunderbolt" and I'd go looking for Dukes to annoy!
Glad I tried it.

For whatever reason, they remain unpopular with many? But not me, I love the look and would relish a ride on one, but I'd have the same worries as yourself Paul (That Bugger aint getting away from me feeling :D). I think they look awesome, and the Nightrod in particular stands out to me too. How did your brother get on by the way, you seemed to miss completing that part of the story, lol, I wonder why? :wink:.
Re: First Rod ride

Put that motor and brakes into the old Buell "Blunderbolt" and I'd go looking for Dukes to annoy!
Glad I tried it.

I'm reading the book about Buell's first 25 years. Seems the engine that became the V-Rod was initially intended as a new Buell engine, but Harley soon decided their need was greater, so it was developed in a different direction. Years later Buell turned to Rotax instead.

The Rod feet-forward riding stance is impossible! Not for me.
Re: First Rod ride

My brother, also John, is going to check out the modern retro "Bonneville" then decide. He did warm quite well to the 883C, tank reminded him of the old Norton In-A-State he always liked and he looked at home on it. They offered him the chance to try the Rod I'd rode but having seen how quick it was he said he valued his licence.
Re: First Rod ride

I rode as a loan when the FB was in for its first service.

great ride not a harley feeling but very good it did like a drink to the gauge dropped very quickly.

When I loaned it I though it may have made me feel that I had made the wrong choice but I was glade to get the FB back