Free Llandovery 2 ticket give away!

Ladies and Gents we have a winner with the correct answer being Mr Robert Gunter being posted by Rick of Region 12 on the Forum. Congratulations to him and thanks everyone who took the time to have a go. Region 7 are looking forward to welcoming you all next weekend, here's to another great rally.
Well, well, who would have thought Mr Gunter would have worn leather chaps riding a Sporty! YES I will be making the annual pilgrimage to the Drovers next week and gratefully accept the complimentary tickets - thanks for organizing the competition Andy, see you and the rest of the R7 crew next week.
Hi Rick.
His was the Teal Fatboy and mine was the Sportster. No chap policy for me mind.
Just let the gate know who your giving the other ticket to please.