GEMS or wot


Registered User
As the cost of entry into the BMF GEMS (30th & 31st May) is ?11 for members maybe some of you might like to do summat else that weekend. I reckon an interesting trip would be to the 'FREE' Diesel Bike Rally at the Bat & Ball, Billingshurst. So I intend to go to this event via 'The Chalet' at Cowfold for a Brekkie on Saturday 30th. Dunno what time I shall be leaving, it depends on if anyone else wants to go.

Watch this space (not you Phil -- this space :wink:)
Re: GEMS or wot

Thought you, Wormy & Marj were doing the Poker Run Graham - has the new bike got a time jump facility :60277EB7B04744289C0
Change of mind not doing poker run, but yes it does have time jump, I was at a rally this weekend and did all the DIY so not to do it next weekend.:smile:
Re: GEMS or wot

All things aren't equal and we can't now do this:mad:
Forgot we have got the sky engineer booked that day:mad::mad:

Re: GEMS or wot

Bollox, change of plans by the looks of it. Now have to be away on 30th so if I get the chance I'll pop over and see the smokey bikes on the friday. It does free me up for the coming weekend though; hope it's sunny and the roads are clear :)

Re: GEMS or wot

Bollox, change of plans by the looks of it. Now have to be away on 30th so if I get the chance I'll pop over and see the smokey bikes on the friday. It does free me up for the coming weekend though; hope it's sunny and the roads are clear :)

I could be tempted Phil if you pop in on the way to see the stinky bikes
Re: GEMS or wot

Nice brekkie at the Chalet but the price has gone up to a ?Fiver.

Met up with Pete & Marina at the Bat & Ball, they had made their way there just for a ride out. I let them off for not acknowledging us as we sat outside the cafe tucking into our grub.

A superb day out.