Let the b******S begin


Club Member
Geoff Make sure you look after Old Bob tomorrow we dont want him peaking to early and missing the Saturday session.I will get started at the Maltings on Friday with Hayseed and see you about 11.00 all being well.
Re: Let the b******S begin

Have a good time all, we well be keeping the banners left over from last weekend pending all the other bol-ocks going on:frown:Look after our senior member:wink:
Re: Let the b******S begin

So wheres all the Bol-ocks gone???? was it something I said:redface:
Re: Let the b******S begin

This looks like Geoff coming back from the pub...:439:
Re: Let the b******S begin

You could be right Baza, his wheels did win best paint job at the East Mids rally - bloody dyna rod :A:Old (sober)Bob
Re: Let the b******S begin

Have a good time all, we well be keeping the banners left over from last weekend pending all the other bol-ocks going onLook after our senior member
Simon, you probably mean the club banners, but was there any sign of the 3CBs banner, have you got it :eek: They have gone and lost their banner - oh what shame on them :9399D3F58B324EE1B68As a hon 3CB touring member I feel that this level of incompetence demands heads to roll.:p I remember a couple of years ago at the Triple that the Belgian guys were looking for a trophy to take home and certain members of the snorers pointed them towards our banner which they then lifted - more shame :p I had to chain the Belgian bikes together before they released it :smile: (whos a goody goody)Praps the snorers banner is somewhere in Belgium or even Holland - have you got it Harry :wink:The snorers are quite upset and have told us that they havent had any ransom messages yet :DOld Bob