Region 2 active !!


Club Member
Yeh well we're all still alive and kickin' lol
As previous posts confirm, we tend not to use the forum very much now as we found that most active members use our region 2 watsapp page for convenience. However we discussed this at various meetings and concluded that we should always post important messages on the forum. As you can see we have fell by the wayside with that unfortunately.
DonZz mentioned above our apologies to any members who have been left out in the open regards to being kept in the loop.
There are many region members who do not partake in any events and are happy just to be a member of the riders club, as Ive said in previous communications, come along to our monthly meetings and introduce yourselves we don't bite (well most of us) lol then we can get aquainted and get you onto our facebook page and whattsapp groups.
As far as actually riding bikes is concerned we as a region don't partake in many 'ride-outs' as such but do many miles throughout the year to H-DRCGB rallies up and down the country and in Europe.
We are however always open to ideas suggested by any region member for other events or get -togethers on or off our Harley's.

NB this months meeting scheduled for next Tuesday 20th December 2022 has been cancelled due to it's proximity to xmas.
The next meeting will be Tuesday 17th January 2023 at the usual place. ( see post #8 above )

Meanwhile to all our members have a very merry christmas and new year and hope to catch you all in January
Davi J ACA wee davie
Region Rep
Hi Guys hope everyone is doing good 👍 I’m going to try and get along to the next meeting on the 17th unless I’m out in the sticks in the truck 😂😂