Sidecar light. place yer bets.


Registered User
oh... this one I covet, but the price has accelerated in the last two days.... a lot....
My guess would be that more than one person has realized or was informed by the seller, that the lens is glass . There's the dimples... probably channel detent retention rim?
I think it very cool in a kid's jet-rocket way; even if it's not a actual-factual genuine friend-o'mine Harley accessory. There might even be a question as to if or not it was ever offered as a m/c access. It goes on the side of something... might as well be a sidecar...

no telling how old it is of course, bidders could have the same by applying here
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Getting into "American Pickers" price range! (by the way Skip, over here the blue lens would be illegal as is the c-o-l-o-u-r of emergency vehicles only.)
Getting into "American Pickers" price range! (by the way Skip, over here the blue lens would be illegal as is the c-o-l-o-u-r of emergency vehicles only.)

Over here they're legal to possess and display, but woe betide you if you should dare to turn them on and are spotted with'em glowing. You won't get the bike back likely.