Sudden Limp Home mode/ P1511 error code


Club Member
Ok Guys and Girls. Out on a ride yesterday and out of the blue Engine Management Light comes on and I loose all throttle input, engine still running and I could coast along so I went along half a mile and pulled in to a layby. Turned bike off, sat for a while then turned her back on, started up and off I went, no more light and bike seems fine, rode another 30 odd miles home and parked her up. Connected up my FP3 to look at codes and found this, see pic below. I removed the ETC plug and used contact cleaner on all the pins/socket. Hoping its just a glitch / dirty contact.
Tps is the throttle position sensor check its connection to throttle body unplug it clean with contact spray and reconnect it then follow its wire back to loom checking its not chafed on the air filter backing plate then follow loom to connector where it feeds into bars unplug and do the same then open r/h switchgear and check nothings pinched or chafed usually the prob you describe occurs after a handlebar change 👍😎