What's in a gesture?

So when we do not receive a wave back what do you mutter under your breath Mmm mine starts with Merchant Banker go and Ffff yourself
I have an open face, but loud pipes. So anything is pretty much possible. I reserve my greatest ire for other HD riders who are so up their own ar$e that they can't respond to me. Sports bike riders I find are so old they can't raise their arms from their handlebars
Several years ago, Mrs.Roach and myself went to the MAG bike show in Salisbury.
On the way home my bike suddenly stopped.
While I was poking around, trying to find the problem, loads of bikes passed us,a couple of riders waved, but not one stopped to ask if we were okay.
Now this might be a contentious issue, but for I'm a biker I've always classed myself a biker some may say they are a biker for whatever reason but my reasons are historic.
I've always since I was 14 had a black leather Motorcycle jacket, I've watched bands since I was 14 starting off with Motorhead and Sabbath in 1977 I listen to Rock music all of the time, when we were in our teens my jeans were Filthy we wore triplex bike chains for a belt my hair was half way down my back and we classed ourselves as Greasers, or Greabos I passed my bike test at 17 in 1981 and I hung about with other like minded people and I loved it my wife even classes us as bikers. So you may have your own reasons why your a biker but the one thing that so called bikers do is acknowledge each other, but I have noticed that its who I call The Motorcylist ( don't attend rallies don't belong to clubs like ours ) who do not acknowledge or pull over if a biker is in distress. I think the guys on this forum or in this club are bikers Whether you class yourself that way or not
I have to take issue with the idea that 'Motorcyclist' do not acknowledge others, I have been riding motorcycles for 54 years and have owned and ridden Harleys since 1979. I have always regarded myself as a motorcyclist and my preference has always been for stock/standard motorcycles. Having spent 22 years serving in HM Armed Forces and served and ridden all over Europe I have alway waved or acknowledged others riding motorcycles on the road, whether they return the wave or not. I also give a Thumbs Up to anyone at the side of the road no matter what they are riding in case they need help. We are all out there doing what we love no matter what we call ourselves. Lets not argue amongst ourselves as to what we are, or are not, there are plenty of people out there who do that for us.
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Ah, here we go again, the social greeting variant of an oil thread.

Can never understand why some get so fussed about not receiving a nod or a wave from other riders. Sure, it's nice, but it can get a bit bloody tedious when there's hordes of others coming t'other way; I drive a lorry as you know but I don't go down the road waving at every other lorry driver!

Do it if you wish, but don't get pissed if others don't acknowledge in return. Life is too short.
first time i came across waving back was as a kid my dad bought a VW beetle ,

it was a thing that they did and of course the salut for the AA or RAC

remember riding into the poker rally on a BUELL no one put there hand up ,,,, did i care ,,,not really ,,,

i do stick my hand up to young learners
Several years ago, Mrs.Roach and myself went to the MAG bike show in Salisbury.
On the way home my bike suddenly stopped.
While I was poking around, trying to find the problem, loads of bikes passed us,a couple of riders waved, but not one stopped to ask if we were okay.
I thought it was you, thats why i waved😆😆😆
I can't help feeling the "leg wave" looks like they are farting.
By the way Dazzlin, some years ago I was driving past a HOG pub meet and stopped to check out the bikes. Came across a bloke on his Sportie, flanked by two mates who was pressing the start button and just getting a click. After waiting for his mates to help and seeing they had no idea I said "put it in second with the clutch engaged and rock it vigorously then try". After re-explaining even simpler he did it and it started. He said bye to his mates and did not acknowledge me at all, I was invisible. For his mates sake I loudly said " you're welcome, happy to help, don't mention it, you'd do the same for me!" etc.