AGM Region 3

Well, I'll have to reluctantly admit it Bob, NicNic is just, a tad more handsome than me! 🐛
Have a good AGM, Reg3.
In case I forget tonight. Owt happening about a run for HRH this year? It's normally April innit?
The Agenda for tonight. 29/03/23
The resignation of Existing officers.
The new officers to be introduced and voted on.
Nicky to give financial report.
Info on the Rally at Northallerton, including 2 bands now arranged, Food arranged with Lisa. menu to be discussed.
New region central venue to be voted on for monthly meetings.
Discuss latest club AGM results, inc the fact Veggie Dave never gets the round in.
Infamy, Infamy they’ve got it in for me.

Bob, I bought you a drink last time we met at the AGM, the last time could be the last time!

Hope your meeting goes well and if the rally is going to be up to scratch I might just come along.
OK, I will give a bit of an update
1. Hovver staying as Rep for 1 more year.
2. Andy Bragg is the new Ass rep
3. Nicky Sterry is staying as treasurer staying for 1 more year.

4. From the last Wed of May, the official meet place will be the Dun Cow in Bournmoor DH4 1DY. Google Map
This will be a 12 month tester.

5. There was about 14 attending the meeting, plus a new member, sorry i forgot her name, but still a nice lass.
6. Everything agreed re the Rally.
A very good AGM .
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