amf sx 175



i have a 74 harley sx 175 i couldnt get spark well i replaced the condencer coil i have spark now but i cant get it to stay running once it fires. it seems like when you give it gas it dont want to pick up and chokes itself out any advice?
Re: amf sx 175

I had a 1974 SX-175, back in 1975. I still have a factory manual so will dig it out and check things out - need to refresh memory. Others with greater and quicker wisdom may reply in meantime. (also have parts book if you need anything scanned)
Re: amf sx 175

Haven't forgotten but cannot find any of my two-stroke tech books, still searching - hope I haven't lent them and not remembered who to....
Re: amf sx 175

The carbs on the 2 strokes can be a real PITA to get set up correctly. Try adjusting the float height (small screw on the side of the carb)
Re: amf sx 175

Probably too late now but after all this time all my missing two-stroke manuals have turned up - I'd wrapped them up to take to the Poker Run some time back when the Spaghetti Club were attending so they might have helped if anyone had a breakdown. I ended up not going then wife put package "somewhere safe" for me!

If it does help I have the workshop manual and parts book for the 175/250. For others looking in I also have 125 manual and parts book, parts book for 50/65cc models, parts book for Z-90, I think the X-90 as well (will check and correct later) and I also own repro 1948-55/1956-65 US two-stroke parts books and a 1959-66 US two-stroke manual but they were all lent to someone in 1992 and I am still waiting to get them back!
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