Milk Shake



It seems that DeuceBG and his good lady Jo are going on a diet and living off "Milk Shakes" . Some sort of NASA diet. Can you all send him messages of advice and support that contain references or images of real food. Then me and Trudi will get invite to BBQ heh heh. :D:D:D
Re: Milk Shake

It seems that DeuceBG and his good lady Jo are going on a diet and living off "Milk Shakes" . Some sort of NASA diet. Can you all send him messages of advice and support that contain references or images of real food. Then me and Trudi will get invite to BBQ heh heh. :D:D:D
Sorry about the feckin fly on the post..........​
Re: Milk Shake

Dont apologise for the fly Baza. Think gary and Jo are getting to the stage where they would be thinking of cunning plan to trap the fly and eat it. :D
Re: Milk Shake

all this talk of food is makin me feel quite peckish :D:D:D
Re: Milk Shake

Not the worst of it though. They cant have alcohol either. :frown::frown::frown:
Re: Milk Shake

Have 1 pill aday in morning called Acomplia eat what you wont ish, ive gone from a size 26 to a 14/16 as you can see them that have seen me