Region XI rides, 2014



Alan's given me the go-ahead to try and organise some rides for those that fancy it next year, so this is just an early heads-up to see who, if anyone, would be interested.

These rides might sometimes take the form of "I'm off out for a ride on Sunday, anyone wanna come?", or may be a little more organised in advance with a particular destination in mind.

Would be nice to start as soon as possible in the New Year with the odd impromptu bimble about, although I completely understand that not everyone wants to ride that early in the year - let's face it, you're not all as bloody silly as me :D

So, who reckons they might be interested in principle?

Note: these are not going to be over-organised or regimented in any way - just going out for a ride now & again for the sake of it.
Re: Region XI rides, 2014

Hi Shifty
if you dont get many takers on here you are always welcome to come out with us, we are out most sundays, pretty much as you said, sometimes organised sometimes not so much
Re: Region XI rides, 2014

So, in over a month, nearly 150 views and absolutely no interest.

I'll find other things to do with my time then...
Re: Region XI rides, 2014

I am out most of the time on my bike to rallys, rides, ect. I don't use the forum a lot usually April to Sept you have my No: Did you want to ride down to Naesby from Chesterfield?