ss250 1976



just found out how to ask questions!
i have just purchased an ss250 with genuine 312 miles, 1st do i have to take the head off and clean the ring and what is the best petrol/oil mix ratio,and are there genuine filters in the the the land of the web or are there alternatives?:439:
Re: ss250 1976

Hope someone here will be able to help you
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Is this anything like it?
Re: ss250 1976

Hi I think you will find that the two stoke oil go's in the frame(at top of petrol tank) and on my sx 175 it mix's its self with the petrol if no ones been pi**ing about with it, its one of them auto lube systems or what ever the technical name is and air fitter is a sponge one on mine i just wash it out in petrol every so often hope thats been some help mate regards Nog the frog (yeah right):D:D:D